Project Title : School Preparedness Program in Cambodia
- Project Duration : February 2010 to December 2010)
- Partnership with : Mercy Malaysia
In Collaboration with : Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
- Target Beneficiaries : Battambang Teachers' Training School (Pedagogy School), and five secondary and one high school in Kaos Krala District, Battambang Province
- Project Information : In Cambodia, Kaos Krala is a highly vulnerable districts caused by drought. Because the CBDRR project initiated the dialogue on the needs and general understanding of DRR by the stakeholders, this led the school authorities to make a request to Save the Earth to conduct a school preparedness programme. The ‘School Preparedness Programme in Cambodia’ will be creating awareness among the Teachers' Training School, five secondary schools, and one high school by involving the teachers and students. Additionally the program will be building the capacity of the district's teachers and of the Teachers' Training School teachers and students in order to address drought impact on school children.
Project Objectives :
Students, teachers and staff are fully aware and have improved knowledge on the disaster risks
- They have built up a significant capacity to conduct 'School Watching Workshops', developed action plans and implemented accordingly with available funding supports and integrated the risks into their future development plans
The key achievements:
ToT on building climate and disaster resilient school environment
1. Improved capacity of 20 teacehers and 230 students (future teacgers) of Battambang Provincial Teachers' Training Center on building climate and disaster resilient school environment
2. 30 teachers (5 from Koas Krala high school, and 5 teachers from each five other secondary schools from Kaos Krala district)
3. Battambang and Kaos Krala district of Education, Youth and Sports; Village Leaders, Commune Leaders, school management committee participated the ToT sessions
4. Developed Disaster and Climate Risk Reduction Action Plan for
- Battambang Provincial Teachers' Training Center (PTTC)
- Koas Krala High School
- 5 Secondary Schools from Kaos Krala district
- 23 primary school
Developed awareness on the climate change and disaster risk reduction
- 1244 students from one high school and 5 secondary schools
- 2100 students from 23 primary schools
- 115 teachers from 23 primary schools
- more than 1000 households by their children
DRR Action Plan implementation and integrated into commune development plans
Under the project, each school could develop their capcity on school DRR action plan. They have developed their action plan and implemnetd the highly prioritized activities. One of the excellence of the DRR Action Plan implementation was government, School and community participated to implement the action plan. The direct contribution from community are around 40% and Save the Earth supported the rest 60%.
Some of the DRR activities are plantation, improvig sewerage facility, road construction to come school, puttih soil to reduce flooding, harvesting rain water, gardening, safe drinking water for school children along with some recreational meterials for children.
Upcoming coming events:
- Developing 23 schools' Disaster and Climate Risk Reduction Action plan on 15 December facilitated by 230 trained (ToT) Battambang PTTC students and 30 PTTC teachers.
- Mercy Malaysia team is visiting the project sites 19-12 Decmber 2010.
- Reflection Workshop on 21st December
The project is phasing out by 31st December 2010.
We are expecting to replicate the experiences to other Regional Teachers' Training Centers and secondary and high schools to develop their capacity so that they can develop their climate and disaster risk reduction action plans and integrate it into their respective commune development plans.
For any information in regards to School Preparedness Program, please contact us.